

BCA Workheads

Our registered Building and Construction Authority (BCA) tendering limits are as follows:

WorkheadsDescriptionTendering Limit
ME01Air-Conditioning, Refrigeration and Ventilation WorksL6
ME05Electrical EngineeringL6
ME15Integrated Building ServicesL6
ME06Fire Prevention & Protection SystemsL5
ME04Communication & Security SystemsL4
ME11Mechanical EngineeringL4
ME02Building Automation, Industrial & Process Control SystemsL3
ME08Internal Telephone Wiring for TelecommunicationsL1

L6: Unlimited  L5: S$13m  L4: S$6.5m  L3: S$4m  L2: S$1.3m  L1: S$0.65m

ISO 9001 : 2015

Customer satisfaction is Powen’s highest priority. Our Quality Policy “Towards Excellence in Quality Engineering Service” speaks of our conviction to continuously improve our performance to deliver superior service for our customers.


Prefab MEP Manufacturer Accreditation Scheme


  Provisional Certificate – Date of Expiry: 31 August 2024

POWEN MEP 2024 Certificate

BizSafe Star Certificate

We advocate workplace safety and health in Powen. We are committed to make every reasonable effort to provide a safe work environment for all. Our health and safety program has been developed to ensure compliance with regulatory occupational health and safety requirements. We require our people at all levels to pay careful attention to all safety practices and procedures, and to abide by them diligently.


Founder Member of the SGBC Certificate

As a firm supporter of environmental sustainability, Powen is a founder member of the Singapore Green Building Council. Through our participation, we keep track of any new developments and features of energy efficiency for implementation in our projects.

Singapore Green Building Council Founding Member

BCA BIM Awards

Powen advocates productivity and progressiveness and constantly looks out for the latest technology and trends in engineering. We are one of the first M&E engineering companies to adopt the intelligent Building Information Modeling (BIM) system. We achieved BCA BIM Gold Plus Award for The Integrated Building at Changi General Hospital and BCA BIM Gold Award for Mixed Development at Cairnhill Road.

Powen Engineering Pte Ltd

(formerly known as Powen Electrical Engineering Pte Ltd)

Prolight Engineering Pte Ltd